Oasis in Space

Included in the Premium Media Program

For over two decades, Oasis in Space has remained one of Spitz' most popular and evergreen productions. In 2022, the entire show was remastered with a gorgeous, live-performer score, brilliant new visual effects and an updated script that reflects current advances in space science. Once more, we are ready to take the audience on a rich and fascinating journey through our celestial neighborhood, as we look for one of organic life's key ingredients - liquid water. Why is Venus considered the hottest planet in the Solar System? Is Saturn the

only Solar planet with rings? And what can possibly hide under the icy surface of Jupiter's moon, Europa? These and more questions are answered, as we visit the Sun in its cradle, the Earth as it used to be, the neighboring planets as they are today, and maybe even a yet undiscovered world which awaits our visit in the future. With a proven, audience-tested story, a 95% viewer approval rating, and an original surround format musical score, Oasis In Space will delight viewers of all ages. Produced by Spitz Creative Media, a Cosm company.




ga, college, grades-4-5, grades-6-8, grades-9-12


English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Russian, Spanish (Mexico & Latin America), Spanish (Spain), Turkish


cosmology, life science and nature, solar system, space science and astronomy, weather


23 minutes



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